Monday, July 7, 2008

About Me!

Hi... my name is Maddy. I am 11 yrs old and "luv" 2 scrapbook!! I mostly do albums of friends, vacations, holidays, and more! What can I say... I'm a junior scrapbooker!! I do most of my scrapbooking at my Aunt's house and I'm sure most of you know her as Scrappycatz. She is the one who teaches me most of my scrapbooking techniques....... I may be a junior in scrapbooking but she is definetly a pro!! I have to tell you 2 scrapbooking stores that have every scrapbooking need and they dont really burn a hole in your pocket!! The first one is a store everyone should know about... Hobby Lobby, even though this store isn't all for scrapbooking, it has a great section for it. The second store.....some people may not know about this one.. Archivers. This one is great because it has awesome classes about scrapbooking and the store is like scrapbooking heaven... dont leave me alone in there with a visa..... thats all I have to say!!!


MamaSheg said...

Hi Maddy, I'm a friend of your Aunt Lisa. Your layouts are wonderful!!

I hope you have lots of fun scrappin with your Aunt. I just had my 2 nieces visiting me, they are 7 and 10. We made some craft projects together too. It was so much fun!

Scrapbooking Princess said...

You're so cute Maddy!! I'm so proud of you. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two in the creativity department! I love you!
